10 September, 2022

Azure Region Abbreviations

Last updated July 2024.

The Microsoft Cloud Adoption Framework's recommended naming convention includes the full name of the region.

Most people want to abbreviate region names. Unfortunately, Microsoft don't have a standard abbreviation for reach region. Instead, different Microsoft product teams have created their own abbreviations, and so the abbreviations for each region is different depending on the service you're using.

To illustrate this, the below table lists all the current regions, and what abbreviations I could find.

...you poor unfortunate souls using Canada Central.

Recommendation: if you are going to use short names, use the CAF Terraform library as your template. Most of the names are copied from Azure Backup, and at the very least, it's (mostly) complete and (mostly) consistent.

Cloud Azure Region (displayName) Azure Region (name) Short Name (CAF) Short Name (Power Platform) Short Name (Attestation) Short Name (Dynamics LCS) Short Name (Defender for Cloud) Short Name (Backup) Short Name (Automation)
Global Australia Central australiacentral acl acl ac
Global Australia Central 2 australiacentral2 acl2 acl2 cbr2
Global Australia East australiaeast ae aeu eau eau eau ae ae
Global Australia Southeast australiasoutheast ase seau sau seau seau ase ase
Global Brazil South brazilsouth brs sbr sbr cq brs brs
Global Brazil Southeast brazilsoutheast bse bse brse
Global Brazil US brazilus
Global Canada Central canadacentral cnc cca cac cca ccan cnc cc
Global Canada East canadaeast cne eca cae eca cne
Global Central India centralindia inc cin cin cid inc cid
Global Central US centralus cus cus cus cus cus cus
Global Central US EUAP centraluseuap ccy cuse ccy
Global East Asia eastasia ea eas eas ea ea ea
Global East US eastus eus eus eus eus eus eus eus
Global East US 2 eastus2 eus2 eus2 eus2 eus2 eus2 eus2
Global East US 2 EUAP eastus2euap ecy eus2e ecy
Global East US STG eastusstg
Global France Central francecentral frc cfr par frc fc
Global France South francesouth frs sfr sfr frs mrs
Global Germany North germanynorth gn nde gn
Global Germany West Central germanywestcentral gwc wcde dewc gwc dewc
Global Israel Central israelcentral
Global Italy North italynorth itn
Global Japan East japaneast jpe ejp ejp ejp jpe jpe
Global Japan West japanwest jpw wjp wjp jpw jpw
Global Jio India Central jioindiacentral jic jic
Global Jio India West jioindiawest jiw jiw
Global Korea Central koreacentral krc ckr se krc kc
Global Korea South koreasouth krs skr krs ps
Global Mexico Central mexicocentral
Global North Central US northcentralus ncus ncus ncus ncus ncus
Global North Europe northeurope ne neu neu neu neu ne ne
Global Norway East norwayeast nwe eno eno noe nwe noe
Global Norway West norwaywest nww wno wno nww now
Global Poland Central polandcentral
Global Qatar Central qatarcentral qac
Global South Africa North southafricanorth san nza nza san san
Global South Africa West southafricawest saw wza wza saw
Global South Central US southcentralus scus scus scus scus scus scus
Global South India southindia ins sin sin ins ma
Global Southeast Asia southeastasia sea seas sasia seas sea sea sea
Global Sweden Central swedencentral sdc sdc
Global Sweden South swedensouth sds
Global Switzerland North switzerlandnorth szn nch swn nch chn szn
Global Switzerland West switzerlandwest szw wch wch szw stzw
Global UAE Central uaecentral uac cae uac auh
Global UAE North uaenorth uan nae nae dxb uan uaen
Global UK South uksouth uks suk uks suk suk uks uks
Global UK West ukwest ukw wuk ukw wuk ukw cw
Global West Central US westcentralus wcus wcus wcus wcus
Global West Europe westeurope we weu weu weu weu we we
Global West India westindia inw inw
Global West US westus wus wus wus wus wus wus wus
Global West US 2 westus2 wus2 wus2 wus2 wus2 wus2
Global West US 3 westus3 wus3 wus3 usw3
πŸ‡¨πŸ‡³ China China East chinaeast sha sha
πŸ‡¨πŸ‡³ China China East 2 chinaeast2 sha2 cne2 mc sha2 sha2
πŸ‡¨πŸ‡³ China China North chinanorth bjb bjb bjb
πŸ‡¨πŸ‡³ China China North 2 chinanorth2 bjb2 cnn2 bjb2 bjs2
πŸ‡¨πŸ‡³ China China North 3 chinanorth3 bjb3 cnn3
πŸ‡©πŸ‡ͺ Germany Germany Central germanycentral gec gec
πŸ‡©πŸ‡ͺ Germany Germany Northeast germanynortheast gne gne
πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ US Government US DoD Central usdodcentral udc udc udc
πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ US Government US DoD East usdodeast ude ude ude
πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ US Government US Gov Arizona usgovarizona uga uga phx uga phx
πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ US Government US Gov Iowa usgoviowa ugi ugi
πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ US Government US Gov Texas usgovtexas ugt ugtx ugt ussc
πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ US Government US Gov Virginia usgovvirginia ugv ugva ugv ff ugv usge
πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ US Government US Nat East usnateast exe eex exe exe
πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ US Government US Nat West usnatwest exw wex exw exw
πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ US Government US Sec East usseceast rxe erx rxe rxe
πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ US Government US Sec West ussecwest rxw wrx rxw rxw
πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ US Government US Sec West Central